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Circle D Civic Association
From the By-Laws:
SECTION 4.1: Number. The affairs of this Association shall be managed by a Board of seven (7) directors, who must be members of the Association in good standing. State law prohibits the Association from preventing a delinquent member from running for the board, but does not prevent the board from requiring the individual to become current in order to serve.
SECTION 4.2: Term of Office. The number of directors constituting the Board of Directors of the Corporation is seven (7), of whom four (4) directors shall be elected biennially for a term of two years and three (3) directors shall be elected for a two-year term in the intervening years.
If you would like to send an email message to any of the board members or committee members, please select the image below and your message will be forwarded to the designated recipient.
Please note, all our Board Members and Committee Members are volunteers, so a response might take some time, but they will respond as soon as possible.
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